Duisburg to Shanghai by train

Travel from Duisburg (Germany) to Shanghai (China) by train (8838km): schedule and information to the train connection. Compare fares and buy your ticket.

You can travel by train from Germany to China with two long-distance night trains. First from Germany to Moscow (Russia). Then on from Moscow to Beijing (China). You can calculate with the following values: the journey time from Berlin to Moscow is 24 hours and tickets are available from 175 euros. It takes 140 hours from Moscow to Beijing with ticket prices from 650 euros. This connection does not run daily. You can find the exact timetable and ticket prices via our booking links.

There are two main routes. Compare them and decide which one feeds your needs best.

8838 km

Your train tickets and reservations at the best price/fares. Scroll down, read the details and make use of the booking links.

How to use the following information: we show you the best routes and where to buy tickets. On longer routes you may need more than one ticket. Book your tickets step by step as explained. If you have questions about the route from Duisburg to Shanghai, please ask in our forum. Of course, sometimes there are as well other travel routes possible.

The following links could be interesting for you.

train connections : popular connections travelled by other users

Shanghai - Duisburg / Cologne - Beijing / Düsseldorf - Beijing / Frankfurt am Main - Beijing / Hamburg - Beijing / Munich - Beijing / Berlin - Shanghai / Frankfurt am Main - Shanghai / Munich - Shanghai / Berlin - Wuhan

1 Duisburg (Germany) - Berlin (Germany) - Moscow (Russia) - Beijing (China) - Shanghai (China)

The route consist of more than one step. You have to buy several train tickets.

1a Travelling from Duisburg (Germany) to Berlin (Germany)

Travel from Duisburg to Berlin with the direct ICE high-speed-train. The journey time is 4 hours. The train ticket prices start at EUR 17,90. There is a train connection at least every hour.

Find the exact train schedules and buy your ticket via the given booking links.

The following links could be interesting for you.

train types: Train types you are likely to travel with.
IntercityExpress (ICE)

train connections: popular connections travelled by other users
Berlin - Duisburg

1b Travelling from Berlin (Germany) to Moscow (Russia)

Two direct night trains connect Berlin with Moscow. The journey time is 24 hours. You can buy train tickets from 160 EUR. The price depends on your travel date and the category you choose. You can find the exact timetable and ticket prices via the given booking links.

Three times a week you can travel on these direct train connections. One night train comes from Paris (EN453 Transeuropean Express) with a stop in Berlin. From Berlin there is a direct train EN 441/14M Strizh.

You can find travel reports with many photos about both night trains in our blog.

If you want to avoid the trip through Belarus, travel from Berlin to Warsaw and from there by night train to Kiev. In Kiev you take the direct train to Moscow.

The following links could be interesting for you.

night train: Night trains that might be suitable for this trip.
EN 23J/452 Moscow - Paris / EN 453/24J Paris - Moscow / EN 13M/440 Moscow - Berlin / EN 441/14M Berlin - Moscow

train connections: popular connections travelled by other users
Moscow - Berlin

1c Travelling from Moscow (Russia) to Beijing (China)

Travel from Moscow to Beijing by direct overnight train. The journey time is about 140 hours with six nights on board of the train. The train ticket prices start at 650 EUR. There are two direct trains per week with different routes. The departure station is Moskva Yaroslavsky.

1) Moscow to Beijing via Mongolia:
The Trans-Mongolian route (train number 4) leaves Moscow for Beijing on Tuesday night at 23:45. The train arrives in Beijing on Monday at 14:35. The route leads via Siberia, Ulaanbaatar and the Gobi desert. The route length is 7620 kilometres. This train is provided by Chinese national railway.

2) Moscow to Beijing via Manchuria:
The Trans-Manchurian route (train number 20) leaves Moscow for Beijing on Saturday night at 23:45. The train arrives in Beijing on Saturday morning at 05:50. The route leads via Harbin and does not cross Mongolia. The route length is 8980 kilometres. This train is provided by Russian national railway.

The ticket prices are nearly the same for both trains. The following service classes can be booked:
- 2nd class: compartment with four beds, two on each side. The train ticket price starts at 650 EUR.
- 1st class: compartment with two beds. The train ticket price starts at 900 EUR.

Children from 0-3 travel for free in the bed of their parents. Children from 4 to 11 pay 75% of an adult ticket.

Both trains offer restaurant cars which are not expensive and of good quality. You get main meals bellow 10 EUR. You can always buy food and drink from the vendors and kiosks on the train platforms when the train stops. Each wagon has a samovar with free boiling water, which you can use for coffee or tea and to prepare food snacks you bring with you.

Toilet and shower:
Each train wagon has at least two western-style toilets and small bathrooms with sinks. The train staff will keep the toilet clean during the whole journey. There are shared showers available for the 1st class compartments on the Chinese train via Mongolia. Otherwise just use the small bathrooms and a wash-cloth. If you don’t travel the whole journey with one train, you have of course showers in hotels you book along your travel route. But it is to expect that showers in the trains will be provided in the future.

The trains are very safe. You will meet families travelling with kids and as well women travelling alone. You can lock the compartments at night and your luggage is save. The train staff is always present. The compartments are mixed with female and male, but you can ask the train staff for women-only compartments.

Internet and electricity:
There is no WiFi available in the train itself. You have to use your mobile phone to access via a phone network provider. Some compartments have power sockets, you might also find some in the corridor. Or just ask the train staff if they charge your mobile device for a small tip.

Other train connections are available change of trains.

Find the exact train schedules, plan your trip and buy your ticket via the given booking links.

The following links could be interesting for you.

night train: Night trains that might be suitable for this trip.
020 Moscow - Beijing / 019 Beijing - Moscow

train connections: popular connections travelled by other users
Beijing - Moscow

1d Travelling from Beijing (China) to Shanghai (China)

Travel from Beijing to Shanghai by high-speed-train. The journey time is 4:30 hours. The train ticket prices start from 65 EUR (500 CNY). There are at least 35 direct train connections per day. The departure station is Beijing Nan (South). The arrival station is Shanghai Hongqiao.

The high-speed-trains offer the following service classes:

- 2nd class seats: 5 seats in a row (3+2). Power outlet available. The seat width is 43 cm. The ticket fares start from 65 EUR (500 CNY).
- 1st class seats: 4 seats in a row (2+2). Power outlet available. Small foldable table. Reclining seats with pillows. The seat width is 47 cm. The ticket fares start from 100 EUR (775 CNY).
- Business class: 3 seats in a row (2+1). Fully-reclining seat which can be used as bed. Power outlet. Flat screen TV. Luxurious and comfortable. The ticket fares start from 200 EUR (1550 CNY).

Beside the high-speed-trains there are overnight trains available with a journey time of 14 hours. The ticket prices start from 20 EUR (150 CNY). These overnight trains offer the following service classes:

- standard seat: this is the cheapest way of travel. 5 seats in a row (3+2). Often the train coaches are overcrowded. The ticket fares start from 20 EUR (150 CNY).
- 2nd class sleeper with open compartments. Six berths per compartment, three berths on each side. A pillow, sheet and covered blanket is included. The berth width is 60 cm. The ticket fares start from 40 EUR (300 CNY).
- 1st class sleeper: more comfortable beds with a maximum of four per cabin. Power outlet available. The new overnight trains offer each bed as private compartment with window. The ticket fares start from 65 EUR (500 CNY).

Find the exact train schedules and buy your ticket via the given booking links.

The following links could be interesting for you.

train types: Train types you are likely to travel with.
China Railway High-speed (CRH)

train connections: popular connections travelled by other users
Shanghai - Beijing

2 Duisburg (Germany) - Warsaw (Poland) - Kyiv (Ukraine) - Moscow (Russia) - Beijing (China) - Shanghai (China)

The route consist of more than one step. You have to buy several train tickets.

2a Travelling from Duisburg (Germany) to Warsaw (Poland)

To travel from Germany to Poland by train, buy a saver price ticket ("Sparpreis Europa") of Deutsche Bahn from 39 EUR. This offer is available for selected destinations in Poland.

If you can not book a ticket in one step from your departure train station in Germany to your destination railway station in Poland, first book the saver fare ticket from Deutsche Bahn. And as second ticket book one from Polish railways to your final travel destination.

Buy your ticket via the given booking links. There you find the exact train schedules and ticket prices.

The following links could be interesting for you.

train types: Train types you are likely to travel with.
InterCity (IC) / EuroCity (EC) / Twoje Linie Kolejowe (TLK) / Express InterCity (EIC) / Berlin Warszawa Express (BWE)

night train: Night trains that might be suitable for this trip.
EN 446 Warsaw - Cologne / EN 447 Cologne - Warsaw

train company:
DB Deutsche Bahn / PKP IC Polskie Koleje Państwowe Intercity

train connections: popular connections travelled by other users
Warsaw - Duisburg / Berlin - Warsaw / Berlin - Krakow / Berlin - Gdańsk / Cologne - Warsaw / Munich - Warsaw / Munich - Krakow / Frankfurt am Main - Warsaw / Frankfurt am Main - Krakow

search for train schedules here: Online timetable information, on which you can find relevant, up-to-date connections.
rail.cc Deutsche Bahn

2b Travelling from Warsaw (Poland) to Kyiv (Ukraine)

Travel from Warsaw to Kiev by direct train.

There is one overnight train called "Kiev Express" with a journey time of 15 hours. Buy train tickets from 45 EUR. Departure in Warsaw is at 18:20h in the evening. The arrival time in Kiev is 11:00h. This overnight train offers 1, 2 and 3 berth compartments.

The day train has a journey time of 12 hours and departs in Warsaw at 06:40. The arrival time in Kiev is 14:40h. Train tickets are available from 45 EUR.

Find train schedules and buy your ticket via the given booking links.

The following links could be interesting for you.

train connections: popular connections travelled by other users
Kyiv - Warsaw

2c Travelling from Kyiv (Ukraine) to Moscow (Russia)

Travel from Kiev to Moscow by direct train. There are 3 to 4 train connections daily with an average travel time of 13 hours. Train tickets are available from 60 EUR. The overnight trains offer 2 and 4 berth compartments.

Find train schedules and buy your ticket via the given booking links.

The following links could be interesting for you.

train connections: popular connections travelled by other users
Moscow - Kyiv

2d Travelling from Moscow (Russia) to Beijing (China)

Travel from Moscow to Beijing by direct overnight train. The journey time is about 140 hours with six nights on board of the train. The train ticket prices start at 650 EUR. There are two direct trains per week with different routes. The departure station is Moskva Yaroslavsky.

1) Moscow to Beijing via Mongolia:
The Trans-Mongolian route (train number 4) leaves Moscow for Beijing on Tuesday night at 23:45. The train arrives in Beijing on Monday at 14:35. The route leads via Siberia, Ulaanbaatar and the Gobi desert. The route length is 7620 kilometres. This train is provided by Chinese national railway.

2) Moscow to Beijing via Manchuria:
The Trans-Manchurian route (train number 20) leaves Moscow for Beijing on Saturday night at 23:45. The train arrives in Beijing on Saturday morning at 05:50. The route leads via Harbin and does not cross Mongolia. The route length is 8980 kilometres. This train is provided by Russian national railway.

The ticket prices are nearly the same for both trains. The following service classes can be booked:
- 2nd class: compartment with four beds, two on each side. The train ticket price starts at 650 EUR.
- 1st class: compartment with two beds. The train ticket price starts at 900 EUR.

Children from 0-3 travel for free in the bed of their parents. Children from 4 to 11 pay 75% of an adult ticket.

Both trains offer restaurant cars which are not expensive and of good quality. You get main meals bellow 10 EUR. You can always buy food and drink from the vendors and kiosks on the train platforms when the train stops. Each wagon has a samovar with free boiling water, which you can use for coffee or tea and to prepare food snacks you bring with you.

Toilet and shower:
Each train wagon has at least two western-style toilets and small bathrooms with sinks. The train staff will keep the toilet clean during the whole journey. There are shared showers available for the 1st class compartments on the Chinese train via Mongolia. Otherwise just use the small bathrooms and a wash-cloth. If you don’t travel the whole journey with one train, you have of course showers in hotels you book along your travel route. But it is to expect that showers in the trains will be provided in the future.

The trains are very safe. You will meet families travelling with kids and as well women travelling alone. You can lock the compartments at night and your luggage is save. The train staff is always present. The compartments are mixed with female and male, but you can ask the train staff for women-only compartments.

Internet and electricity:
There is no WiFi available in the train itself. You have to use your mobile phone to access via a phone network provider. Some compartments have power sockets, you might also find some in the corridor. Or just ask the train staff if they charge your mobile device for a small tip.

Other train connections are available change of trains.

Find the exact train schedules, plan your trip and buy your ticket via the given booking links.

The following links could be interesting for you.

night train: Night trains that might be suitable for this trip.
020 Moscow - Beijing / 019 Beijing - Moscow

train connections: popular connections travelled by other users
Beijing - Moscow

2e Travelling from Beijing (China) to Shanghai (China)

Travel from Beijing to Shanghai by high-speed-train. The journey time is 4:30 hours. The train ticket prices start from 65 EUR (500 CNY). There are at least 35 direct train connections per day. The departure station is Beijing Nan (South). The arrival station is Shanghai Hongqiao.

The high-speed-trains offer the following service classes:

- 2nd class seats: 5 seats in a row (3+2). Power outlet available. The seat width is 43 cm. The ticket fares start from 65 EUR (500 CNY).
- 1st class seats: 4 seats in a row (2+2). Power outlet available. Small foldable table. Reclining seats with pillows. The seat width is 47 cm. The ticket fares start from 100 EUR (775 CNY).
- Business class: 3 seats in a row (2+1). Fully-reclining seat which can be used as bed. Power outlet. Flat screen TV. Luxurious and comfortable. The ticket fares start from 200 EUR (1550 CNY).

Beside the high-speed-trains there are overnight trains available with a journey time of 14 hours. The ticket prices start from 20 EUR (150 CNY). These overnight trains offer the following service classes:

- standard seat: this is the cheapest way of travel. 5 seats in a row (3+2). Often the train coaches are overcrowded. The ticket fares start from 20 EUR (150 CNY).
- 2nd class sleeper with open compartments. Six berths per compartment, three berths on each side. A pillow, sheet and covered blanket is included. The berth width is 60 cm. The ticket fares start from 40 EUR (300 CNY).
- 1st class sleeper: more comfortable beds with a maximum of four per cabin. Power outlet available. The new overnight trains offer each bed as private compartment with window. The ticket fares start from 65 EUR (500 CNY).

Find the exact train schedules and buy your ticket via the given booking links.

The following links could be interesting for you.

train types: Train types you are likely to travel with.
China Railway High-speed (CRH)

train connections: popular connections travelled by other users
Shanghai - Beijing

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