Intercity (IC)

Information about the train Intercity (IC). How to book tickets for Intercity (IC). Find photos and films about the train.


Intercity trains are long-distance trains operating on many routes throughout Germany, complementing the network of Intercity-Express (ICE) trains. The different IC lines normally run every two hours, on main lines two IC lines running parallel form an hourly service.

Most regular IC trains of DB consist of recently refurbished coaches with air-condition and power sockets. All trains convey 2nd and 1st class seats. In 2nd class, most carriages have four seats per row (2+2 seats) in open-plan arrangement with seats both in rows as well as facing each other with large tables in between. Some cars also have compartments with six seats. In 1st class you will find seats in open-plan arrangement with three seats per row (2+1 seats), most of them in rows with only a few seats facing each other, as well as compartments with six seats. On some routes, new double-deck coaches are used. There are many relief trains operating mainly on Fridays and Sundays, these often consist of older rolling stock.

On main routes, trains convey a bistro car with a varied menu offering snacks, drinks and several hot dishes. On trains without a bistro car there often is a minibar service available at least on parts of the journey. Most trains have facilities for the disabled and can also convey bicycles.

reservation possible but not required

2nd class: EUR 4,50

1st class: EUR 5,90

Intercity (IC) train - IC train, 1st class, 6-persons-compartement
Intercity (IC) train - IC train, 1st class, 6-persons-compartement
Intercity (IC) train - From the bord bistro, EUR 3,50
Intercity (IC) train - IC train, 1st class, 6-persons-compartement

Train Routes

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