Bled to Zagreb by train

Travel from Bled (Slovenia) to Zagreb (Croatia) by train (157km): schedule and information to the train connection. Compare fares and buy your ticket.

To travel by train from Bled in Slovenia to Zagreb in Croatia, use one of the several daily express trains between both countries. Please read the following information and blog posts.

Your travel route could be like that.

157 km

Your train tickets and reservations at the best price/fares. Scroll down, read the details and make use of the booking links.

How to use the following information: we show you the best routes and where to buy tickets. On longer routes you may need more than one ticket. Book your tickets step by step as explained. If you have questions about the route from Bled to Zagreb, please ask in our forum. Of course, sometimes there are as well other travel routes possible.

The following links could be interesting for you.

train connections : popular connections travelled by other users

Zagreb - Bled / Ljubljana - Dubrovnik / Ljubljana - Osijek / Ljubljana - Plitvice Lakes / Ljubljana - Pula / Ljubljana - Rijeka / Ljubljana - Split / Ljubljana - Zadar / Bled - Plitvice Lakes

1 Bled (Slovenia) - Zagreb (Croatia)

1a Travelling from Bled (Slovenia) to Zagreb (Croatia)

Travel from Slovenia to Croatia by train. There are several saver ticket fares available. The train tickets have to be purchased at a railway station.

The most important railway line between Slovenia and Croatia is the main line from Ljubljana to Zagreb via the Dobova border crossing. The journey time from Ljubljana to Zagreb is three hours. You have at least two direct trains daily. The ticket fare is 9 EUR.

Other major international train lines run from Ljubljana to Rijeka and from Ljubljana to Pula.

Find the exact train schedules and ticket fare information via the given booking links.

The following links could be interesting for you.

train types: Train types you are likely to travel with.
EuroCity (EC) / Mednarodni vlak (MV)

train company:
SŽ Slovenske železnice / HŽ Hrvatske Željeznice Putnički Prijevoz

train connections: popular connections travelled by other users
Zagreb - Bled / Ljubljana - Zagreb / Ljubljana - Pula / Ljubljana - Split / Ljubljana - Rijeka / Ljubljana - Dubrovnik / Ljubljana - Osijek / Bled - Split / Bled - Pula

search for train schedules here: Online timetable information, on which you can find relevant, up-to-date connections. Deutsche Bahn

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Do you have questions about the connection between Bled and Zagreb? Does something not work as it should? Just ask in our forum and get competent answers from our rail travel experts.


Eurail: if you want to travel this route by Eurail instead of train tickets, have a look here for reservation fees and further information.

Train Routes

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